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Buyer and Vitamin Taker  Beware

Buyer and Vitamin Taker Beware

Or perhaps be wary is more precise! There is so much conflicting and inconclusive information out there about vitamins and supplements. In her New York Times article Liz Szabo, writer for Kaiser Health News writes: "More than half of Americans take vitamin supplements, including 68 percent of those age 65 and older, according to a 2013 Gallup poll. Among older adults, 29 percent take four or more supplements of any kind, according to a Journal of Nutrition study published in 2017." We do know that vitamin and mineral rich foods can prevent and cure disease, but  we simply don't know enough...

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Examining Implicit (Age) Bias ?

Examining Implicit (Age) Bias ?

Take the Test - you can do this easily without registering or signing up; just see for yourself where you land. This might open you up to a new way of thinking or seeing your immediate responses to people who are in some way different from you.  Here is the breakdown of the Age Bias Results: It can be argued about all the tests on this fascinating site, that those people who are  willing to take the test are a self selected group and therefore it is not a fair sample. And that may be statistically correct. The more interesting thing...

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Pondering Infirmity or What More Can Stephen Hawking Teach Us?

Pondering Infirmity or What More Can Stephen Hawking Teach Us?

When Stephen Hawking died last week there were tributes from every corner of the earth. Visionary, Genius, one of our Brightest Stars ,reverence, and accolades that go on and on. Most of us know (although we may not fully understand) some of the scientific discoveries and theories that came from this unique intellect.  In a statement his children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today."He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years."They praised his "courage and persistence" and said his "brilliance and...

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Celebrate International Women's Day with Care

Celebrate International Women's Day with Care

Women are the primary caregivers both unpaid and professional for aging parents. In her piece for Carolyn Rosenblatt  RN, Elder Law Attorney, Healthy aging and protecting our elders,, states; " On International Women’s Day let’s turn our attention to how inequality in families affects women in their role as caregivers for aging loved ones right here at home. We can change this, just as we are changing the way women are treated in the workplace. To get there, we must stand up and speak up. It's time."  The time is long overdue. Statically it almost always falls to the women in the...

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Women's History Month

Women's History Month

 This is a historic time for women in America. #metoo, #Time'sup have added energy to the change women have been working towards since women's suffrage. “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.” ―Susan B. Anthony Hard to believe that we are still confronting workplace inequities and sexual harassment issues, but they ARE being confronted and acted upon. Will this time and this energy bring lasting change, with persistence, we'll see.  This is a month for reflecting on the women who came before and the way they led us here. The theme for this year is Nevertheless She Persisted Honoring Women...

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