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JOB DONE - take care of yourself when the caregiving ends

JOB DONE - take care of yourself when the caregiving ends

There are millions of unpaid caregivers in the U.S. most of them are family members. For many people who spend all or part of their day taking care of the needs of someone else it is easy to be consumed by the task.  No matter how much you think you have prepared yourself for the inevitable loss of the person you are caring for - you can not anticipate how you will feel. Writing in the AARP Bulletin Mary Helen Berg quotes one  Sylvia Brown who spent 13 years caring for her mother as saying "it’s like a huge hole,...

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Keep it Up

Keep it Up

 Here's the thing - science reporters and some scientists are so excited to share what could be helpful, healthful new information that they often make the big reveal before the data is in. So we have had butter and eggs, bad, no actually good, no actually really good ... you know the seesaw. But there is one category where there is universal agreement and the more we study and the more we learn the more we discover that exercise makes life better. Especially as we age. AND, because life expectancy has greatly increased in this country living longer can easily mean living better...

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Amazingly being grateful enriches your wellbeing in some astonishing ways! They include: Seems like a tremendous amount from one simple emotion. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!   

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National Family Caregiver's Month

National Family Caregiver's Month

There are an estimated 44 million of us. Those of us managing the health concerns and daily tasks of a family member. We are caregivers. In Britain, they would call us Carers which I prefer, more to the point the giving is implicit. Most of us are untrained and we come to this extra job before, after and sometimes during work, weekends and holidays gradually and find our skills (or lack thereof) along the way.  The theme of this year's National Caregiver's Month is  “Supercharge Your Caregiving”  There are ideas and recommendations on how to learn new ways of offering care...

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Bicycling's Bountiful Benefits

Bicycling's Bountiful Benefits

Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit Amsterdam knows it is a city filled with bikers. Most visitors are still shocked by the vast numbers of bicycles, and the wide variety of cyclists: from students to police officers and from bank staff to couriers, cycling is the most egalitarian mode of transport. Lots of government officials, even King Willem-Alexander cycle regularly.   More and more American cities are making dedicated bike lanes and bike share programs available to tourists and commuters alike. We know how good it feels to ride, to explore or get where you are going by...

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